Underground music sets the scene for new BMW ad

When you are alone in an underground parking lot and get into your car, you don't expect a bevy of pop's hottest babes to get in the car with you? Or a jewel attired threesome that scream bling bling, to be sitting in your back seat? Well no, not if you don't have the new Ipod that plugs straight into your BMW. This is the scene set for the latest BMW commercial from Fallon Worldwide and directed by Greg Gray of Velocity@Crossroads.

The music generated through the IPOD in the BMW, is portrayed through a cross section of characters as musicians, depicting the various genres such as grunge, hip hop, disco, jazz and lastly given the thumbs up by a Marilyn Manson type.

The spot was shot on location in a downtown underground parking lot in Johannesburg, South Africa using a cast of 32 for the 15 or so different music genres required in the script.

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Velocity Afrika

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