Watch: New King Price TVC leaves South Africans in stitches

Insurance company King Price has released a new TV commercial that has left South Africans in stitches once more, reports The South African.

The advertisement is the latest in King Price’s “when others don’t make sense” series of advertisements and shows how checking someone’s temperature or the word ‘permit’’ can be misunderstood. In the advert, a woman approaches a roadblock, where a police office check her temperature and asks her for a permit, which has become a reality of SA’s lockdown situation.

Watch the advertisement below:

In 2018, King Price’s ‘Do Something Sexy to a Tractor’ advertisement went viral with viewers on YouTube saying it is the 'best add ever!' The other King Price ad that went viral after it was released is the “Lobola is no laughing matter… But not making sense can be” advert which shows a young man with an odd accent messing up his lobola payment.

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