Calls to halt new Mozambique harbour

A new harbour planned by Mozambique - that will be built 20 kilometres north of the KwaZulu-Natal border - is situated in the heart of an international tourism and wilderness conservation area.

The R54-billion Ponto Technobanine plan involves digging a deep-water port in the Maputo Elephant Reserve and neighbouring Ponta do Ouro marine reserve and running a 1 100km railway through the centre of the newly-proclaimed elephant migration corridor to South Africa.

The designers of the port say the site is suited for docking large oil tankers and cargo ships because of the steep profile of the coastline, but critics fear the plan will scupper the tri-nation Lubombo transfrontier conservation project signed ten years ago.

The Mozambique government has gazetted the boundaries of the 30 000 hectare harbour and industrial zone around Ponto Technobanine.

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