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 | ANNELENE DIPPENAAR Amid a food safety crisis in South Africa's informal sector, the government announced that all spaza shops need to be registered within the next 21 days, failing which, they will be shut down...read |
|  | ISSUED BY AQUELLé To celebrate 25 years, aQuellé launched a limited-edition aluminium bottle and committed to donate 25 water tanks to 25 needy communities for every bottle sold...read |
Food & bev. services |
 | Sanitech's Isando branch triumphs with ISO 22000 food safety certification... Read |
Sales |
 | South African consumers bounced back during this year’s Black Friday week, clocking up massive year-on-year increases in spend on every day of the week, peaking at a 112% increase... Read |
Technology |
 | RYAN FALKENBERG Ask most people how they feel about getting a sales call and they’ll tell you how annoying it is. That annoyance only increases if they pick up the phone and can tell that a virtual agent is making the call... Read |
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Jim Rohn "If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary." |
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