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The future of radio (part III)In part II of this three-part series on the current state and future challenges of an old medium, I covered audience targeting; marketing; music; talk; live internet radio; existing FM stations with web streaming; listener-driven radio; social media; the cloud; and positioning (or the lack of need). Here, in part III, I take a look at South African radio's initial overreaction to the web; how radio stations can make use of the opportunities of online and social media; and whether stations can survive without web, audio-visual and text departments. To recap, Wits Radio Academy, under Prof Franz Kruger, recently held its third Joburg Radio Days conference, looking at the future of radio. This series is adapted from my conference presentation. SA radio's initial overreaction to the webI like to say things without avoiding elephants. Well over a decade ago, radio's initial response to the internet was dismal. At first, it denied its existence by not allocating funds and then, when the threat became obvious, everything had to be "on the web". Advertising agencies soon caught on and costs went up as you had to have a web presence. The consequence of this overreaction was to ignore the core sound - a station's on air content. Programme managers, long-time stooges of the sales department, suddenly had to take on a second job. With the new-found excitement of the executives over this new toy and potential money-maker, intelligent radio started taking its last breath. Radio - can it adapt or will it die?Radio's survival will depend on to what extent it has influence. It's my belief that its relevance will be decided by the product manufacturer - you, mostly. However, I have to question whether the term 'radio' is not part of the perception problem. Isn't it outdated? The very description and history we are all so dedicated to doesn't really ring bells to the new consumer. Non-traditional radio (NTR) With internet streaming, it would appear that we have entered another chapter in what has commonly been called NTR."It's radio, Jim, but not as we know it..."- Captain Kremmen For many years, advertisers of all sizes have nourished and extended close marketing relationships with a station. From a creative side, stations were rightfully expected to do more. Going above the line (ATL), below the line (BTL) and, of course, through the line (TTL), sponsors wanted more saturation and proof of recall. Classic, generic spot advertising was out of fashion and considered insufficient and ineffective. Traditional radioBefore we get animated about the future, it's important to look at the past. I am disappointed that radio itself has been in denial for some time now. I have noted some points here that could feed into the debate: Although we have all heard good radio, we've never heard the perfect radio programme. How would we know? But we do know what bad radio is! Right? Is it the monotone? Is it the voice? Is it the subject matter? Or no subject matter? Is it ego? Personality or lack of it? Probably all - and more. Whatever it is, tune out is the consequence. Every show must be better than the one before (that is what we used to strive for). A presenter does 95% of the same thing every day: push buttons for mics, music, ads and other sources. He or she will talk, tell the time, what was played or listened to, who we are talking to, who we have just spoken to, run a competition, a live read, PSA (public service announcement), station ID or a host of similar things. It's to what degree of dedication to sounding fresh, adjustable and perceptive every day which will determine whether we will hold listeners' attention, endear or irritate them. Predictability will turn listeners off. The unexpected doesn't. Continuity is vital but repetition is a killer. The plain truth is that traditional radio as we know it has become the follower and not the leader.
Unfortunately, radio has reacted to new media by using and abusing it ad nauseam, the main reason being to prop up the despairing lack of originality heard today.
Ironies: When there wasn't an alternative onslaught or threat, radio presenters were imaginative as they brought life to sound, with a mental picture to the listener whatever their environment. Listener-driven radio (LDR) has become a popular but fake buzz word (even on air now), but didn't old school radio also take requests?! Ambitions of the young DJ: doesn't want to be a 'streaming DJ' but a 'radio DJ' or 'radio jock'. How can radio stations make use of the opportunities of online and social media?
Use it to make good one-to-one communication.
Can radio stations survive without web, audio-visual and text departments? No, surely not. What worries me, though, is that according to the American Ron Rodrigues (Arbitron programming services team), any kind of internet radio needs a helluva lot of backup to stay competitive in reach and sales. As a station, how good are we at the following?
This is what Rodrigues feels a good radio station's online needs are in order to compete effectively. Someone tell me... Like you, I have a thousand questions myself because, despite looking at the environment for months, I still have a muddled image. And there is still a question which bothers me. There is a cost to consumer by way of data charges in internet radio; terrestrial is free. Let's conjure up an internet radio station as good as, if not better than 5FM. How much do I have to pay to listen when I don't have to at present? Martin Luther King moment I often 'dream' what it would have been like if science had not discovered radio waves first. Picture a world where we are all communicating by the World Wide Web while browsing and searching for your favourite music is the norm. And somebody walked in and said: "You won't believe it! You don't have to browse or search anymore. You can just walk or drive anywhere, with just this little box, and it follows you everywhere you go. It's called FM radio and it's free..." "No! Never!"For more:
About Anthony DukeAnthony Duke co-founded Capital Radio in 1979, managed 5FM, Good Hope FM and did strategies for all SABC Radio stations as manager of radio training at the corporation. Today he is retired but still consults. Email him at anthonyduke@vodamail.co.za and connect on LinkedIn. View my profile and articles... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||