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The future of radio (part II)In part I of this three-part series on the current state and future challenges of an old medium, I noted that traditional time spent listening (TSL) to radio was declining; radio listenership trends are showing that people still love their favourite stations; and I asked what exactly is streaming radio. Here, in part II, I look at audience targeting; marketing; music; talk; live internet radio; existing FM stations with web streaming; listener-driven radio; social media; the cloud; and positioning (or the lack of need). To recap, Wits Radio Academy, under Prof Franz Kruger, recently held its third Joburg Radio Days conference, looking at the future of radio. This series is adapted from my conference presentation. Audience targeting Commercial internet radio is targeting a potential niche it has identified as consisting of good income earners, and where traditional radio stations are either not paying specific attention to the motif or address it in general content. Radio is targeting a broader demographic group and with a mainly open terrestrial footprint. It cannot afford to spend air time on limited interest groups or restrict content to an insignificant clique taste. Marketing To get an income:
Is there a difference? Are advertising agencies adapting to the new models? An agency's compensation is tied to the size of the media buy. What happens as listenership declines? Everything is changing and it can happen very fast. YouTube is only seven-or-so years old. The iPhone is just over five years old. "And, they were invented by companies that weren't even in the TV, radio or phone business. They are transformational technologies. I'm trying to get everyone's attention that the status quo is dead. But, even more important, something is being born at the same time" - Bob Garfield - "the Chaos Theory" Out there, personally I am exposed to:
Has anybody been let down by traditional radio? Advertisers - did radio read the signs? Listeners - is there a way to get disenfranchised listeners back to radio? The critics say the answer is to hire more human hosts that know and love music but this is an old-school approach, isn't it? Positioning (or the lack of need) Traditional positioning in radio was a map of the different genres by format. Mouldy radio positioning maps Where the market demanded it or it was considered necessary, it was important to be very sure of your positioning in the existing radio environment. It was obviously affected by locality but relied very heavily on the demographic profile, spending power, entertainment and the information deemed appropriate. By and large, competing formats were avoided. We know it all hotted up overseas and more and more frequencies were allocated and rating wars were the norm. Although lagging in regulation until the New South Africa came about, this country has followed a similar path. SA is unlikely to suffer from a similar US hangover of the 70s through 90s, which saw the network conglomerates and media groups buying every commercial station. This led to a gradual eroding of local tastes and senses that were cherished and valued in radio. Large-scale syndication started putting the 'sameness' in radio. Various forms of automation have weakened the overall positioning of radio as a medium and there is widespread alarm in just about every community in the US about big business lowering radio standards, leading to disturbingly low levels of public opinion. Many professionals believe it is the end of radio as we know it. It is unfortunate that this self-mutilation had been taking place at the same time that fed-up listeners and discerning consumers had been given the gift of the internet. Today, this has been turned upside down and we have as many niches as there are human interests, each making an inroad somewhere. In part III, I will look at SA radio's initial overreaction to the web; if radio can adapt or die; non-traditional radio vs traditional radio and inherent ironies; how radio stations can make use of the opportunities of online and social media; and whether radio stations can survive without web, audio-visual and text departments. For more:
About Anthony DukeAnthony Duke co-founded Capital Radio in 1979, managed 5FM, Good Hope FM and did strategies for all SABC Radio stations as manager of radio training at the corporation. Today he is retired but still consults. Email him at anthonyduke@vodamail.co.za and connect on LinkedIn. View my profile and articles... |