Teneo offers 67-minute webinars of free matric revision

In celebration of Mandela Day, Teneo Online School is offering the matric class of 2022 free revision webinars this week, hosted by some of the school's most esteemed Grade 12 teachers. Each webinar will be 67-minutes long.
Teneo offers 67-minute webinars of free matric revision

CEO John Shaw, who founded the school in 2018 says it’s been a tumultuous time for learners, and the school is here to help as many learners as possible. “We cannot pretend that the class of 2022 has not experienced significant academic interruptions over the past two years with the pandemic. We want no student to feel left behind, which is why we are opening these webinars to any matric student with access to a mobile device,” says Shaw.


Subject Date and Time
Matric Maths Exam Tips in 67 Minutes19 July, 3pm
Matric Maths Literacy Exam Tips in 67 Minutes19 July, 3pm
Matric Tourism: Major SA Attractions in 67 Minutes20 July, 3pm
Matriek Afrikaans Huis Taal Skryfskool in 67 Minute21 July, 3pm

To register, visit https://www.teneoschool.co.za/webinars/

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