6 simple ways to give back without breaking your budget

You don't need a lot of money in order to make a difference in someone else's life. In fact, in many instances, you don't need any money at all.
Source: Supplied
Source: Supplied

Source: Supplied
Below is a list of six easy ways that everyone can give back to those in need.

1. Help the fight against malaria with chocolate

In 2019, South African brands Goodbye Malaria and Nova Chocolate teamed up to launch a range of sugar free, fat free, taste-good, does-good, artisanal dark chocolate that uses ethically sourced ingredients called Every Bite Counts.

The two existing flavors have helped raise much needed funds for priority malaria elimination programmes in Southern Africa as well as created increased advocacy through the sales of the chocolate bars.

Click here to shop their causal merchandise and contribute towards meaningful change.

2. Swipe your give-back cards

There are a number of companies and retail stores that have loyalty and rewards cards with a give-back element. In South Africa, MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet is one of the most well-known community loyalty programmes and they’ve made it super easy and convenient to give back.

The programme supports various food initiatives that distribute nutritious food to old age homes, orphanages, vulnerable children centres and other facilities in under-resourced areas. Click here to learn more about the initiative.

3. Volunteer at an organisation

Perhaps you don’t have money, but you could always give of your time. There are many organisations across the country that often need volunteers.

This could be to help with fundraising initiatives, walking dogs, assisting with building maintenance, help in the garden and so much more. Just a few hours every now and then can make a world of difference to the lives of those that these organisations serve.

4. Donate blood

There is always a need for blood in hospitals. If you meet the criteria to donate, please consider doing so.

There are blood donation centres all across the country. Also keep an eye out for blood donation drives that happen at community centres, schools and malls. This is a good one to consider, especially if you have a rare blood type, and ahead of the holiday season when blood is needed the most.

5. Donate clothes and shoes

Give your wardrobe a summer tidy - decluttering will make you feel more organised and you’ll help someone else who is in need of clothes, says Aisha Pandor of SweepSouth.

Take a ruthless look inside your cupboard and start culling. Focus on what you need now, rather than what you used to, or want to, wear. Make sure that everything you keep makes you feel good. If you haven’t worn something in ages because it doesn’t fit, or you’re waiting for it to come back into fashion or you’re only holding onto it for sentimental value, then consider donating it.

It might be painful, but saying goodbye to items like wedding gowns and evening dresses you’ve outgrown will free up space in your closet and the act of donating them will be a wonderful gift to others.

6. Wear your support on your wrist

A Relate bracelet is one of the causes that make a significant difference in the lives of those who most need our help to support.

Not only are they attractive on your wrist, but this 100% not-for-profit social enterprise donates the majority of its revenue to credible causes - and creates desperately needed income opportunities.

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