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Agriculture, Horticulture & Forestry

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Jobs Fund and Sernick Group partners to support emerging farmers
Jobs Fund and Sernick Group partners to support emerging farmers
The initiative is a comprehensive intervention in which emerging black farmers will be recruited, trained, capacitated and provided with supply opportunities through integration in Sernick's value
Darling Brew declared carbon neutral
Darling Brew declared carbon neutral
Darling Brew in the Western Cape is the first brewery on the continent to be declared carbon
Agri Tech
Improving feed efficiency, profitability of cattle
"Feed efficiency is more important than ever, and I find it interesting that the industry has not yet realised the potential impact on resource use, beef production and profitability..." read
Meet the Maker: Shanna-Rae Wilby

Samantha Snedorf

Gin blogger Samantha Snedorf from SamSamButDifferent recently launched a new feature called Meet the Maker. Her first maker is the prominent Johannesburg-based distiller, Shanna-Rae Wilby, who is the chief alchemist and co-owner of Time Anchor Distillery in Maboneng... read
Should lab-grown meat be labelled as meat when it's available for sale?

Hope Johnson

The influx of investment into lab-grown meats and the projected price drop have buttressed claims that synthetic meat products will be on sale within three years. Growing meat is a very different process from breeding and slaughtering animals... read
Commodities & Fairtrade
Study sheds light on SA consumers' attitudes towards wine
According to research, South African wine consumers share similar perceptions about wine across different ethnic groups... read
Food Security
Why ozone poses a challenge to food security

Divya Pandey, Lisa Emberson & Sofie Mortensen

There's substantial evidence that ozone is one of the most phytotoxic (toxic to plants) air pollutants, causing significant damage to agricultural crops worldwide... read
How innovation can contribute to food and nutrition security

Mologadi Makwela

"We hope to produce so-called smart foods with extra health benefits that are safe, marketable, affordable, ready to eat and trendsetting." read
Research & Development
The new 'climate change lingo'

Anette Theunissen

Climate change lingo will be part of the ongoing debate regarding adaptation effectiveness and the practical implementation of climate-smart agriculture, which sustains climate-resilient sustainable development... read
Bayer, WFO launches global Care4Cattle grant to support innovation in animal well-being
Bayer, in partnership with the World Farmers' Organisation, has launched a €30,000 global Care4Cattle initiative towards recognising innovative thinking in advancing animal well-being... read
Africa's great migrations are failing but there is a solution - and you can eat it too

Penny van Oosterzee

With colonial-era subsidies of the fencing system gone, what's left is a lose-lose system that hinders local farmers, tourism and sustainability... read
RT @WorldFishCenter: "Using fish more comprehensively can help achieve food security that is sustainable and highly effective in advancing...
Pesticide Roulette An interview with @DaveGoulson by @earthFgardener With spring and new planting Highlighting that...
RT @AustFarmInstitu: In case you missed it: Is #agtech going to revolutionise #farming & will start-ups lead the way? Short answer: probabl...
"The challenge is not only about producing more food - the type of food also matters too." FAO @grazianodasilva o...
Are you growing, or do you want to grow your own fruit and vegetable garden? Here are some very handy tips:...
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