SA cements Brics with China in African venture

According to Sunday Independent, International Relations and Co-operation Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane has taken over from her Egyptian counterpart as co-chairperson of the Forum on China Africa Co-operation (Focac), the framework for the burgeoning relations between the continent and the booming Asian giant.

The key to SA's strategy is to get this close to China to try to influence its economic policies towards SA and Africa, reports Sunday Independent. As Chinese president Hu Jintao reminded Africa in his address to Focac, cumulative Chinese investment in Africa has now exceeded $15 billion in 50 countries.

Nkoana-Mashabane has not spelled out SA's plans yet, but its outlines can be inferred, and China certainly seems to be key. SA will co-chair Focac with China for the next six years, hosting its next ministerial conference in Joburg in 2015, Sunday Independent says.

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