Google Glass to be integrated in prescription frames

NEW YORK, USA: Google Glass is being integrated into prescription frames from the US tech giant, a move that could broaden the appeal of the Internet-connected eyewear.
Prescription lenses can be fitted to Google's Glass eyewear. Image: Wiki Images
Prescription lenses can be fitted to Google's Glass eyewear. Image: Wiki Images

Google announced it was making a version of the eyewear for people who wear prescription glasses, addressing one of the concerns about the new product.

"If we had a nickel for every time someone has asked about prescription lenses for Glass, we'd have a lot of nickels by now," said a Google Glass blog posting.

"So we want you to be the first to know that the Titanium Collection is here, with a handful of new styles for Glass so you can make it your own. Whether you wear prescription glasses or just want a new look, we've got four feather-light titanium frames designed just for you," Google said.

Google Glass is currently being tested by a small number of "explorers" who paid US$1,500 each for the eyewear. It is expected to get a wider release sometime this year.

During the testing phase, developers are creating apps for the eyewear, which can range from getting weather reports to sharing videos to playing games.

Source: AFP via I-Net Bridge

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