Winter fashion takes centre stage at V&A Waterfront

On Tuesday 14 and Thursday 19 May fashion lovers came together in celebration of the V&A Waterfront's gorgeous winter collections in the trendy Link Mall at the Victoria Wharf Shopping Centre.

Guests at the glamorous events were treated to an evening of fun, fashion and food - not to mention incredible lucky-draw prizes and goodie bags - but taking centre stage were the magnificent winter collections from Waterfront fashion tenants, including Jo Borkett, Tag Heuer Boutique, Fabiani, Michael R, Gerard Darel, Marion&Lindie, Miss Sixty and Energie, Pringle, Ben Sherman, Max Mara and many more. And as an extra-special treat, guests to the show on the 14th were treated to some of the fabulous creations being shown off by none other than SABC3's gorgeous Top Billing presenters, Jeannie D, Aiden, Janez and Kelly, all of whom looked every inch the professional model!

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