How to turn small change into big cash

It never easy building up our savings account, but money that always seems to be building up is the loose change in your purse or wallet.
How to turn small change into big cash

Keeping a change jar

Yes, this does sound like something a nine-year old would do to save up for that toy that they really want. But you know, the kids usually gets their toys after enough saving, so why not try this for yourself?

Keep a jar that you put all of your pocket change once your wallet starts getting full of the stuff. Once full, take the change to your nearest bank and make a direct deposit. It may take awhile, but after a few months you'll start to see those savings building up, and after a year of doing this you will be well on your way to saving thousands that you had to do virtually no work for!

Saving your small change

Much of saving comes to down to have the right amount of discipline. The discipline to not spend impulsively, but rather save for the future. Saving small change can be seeing as the first stepping stone towards more disciplined savings techniques.

If you have kids it's also a great way to all save together, while teaching them about being savvy with money. It's also a fantastic way to bond with your kids, and has the added bonus of making a few bucks while you're at it.

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